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How can I verify and repair a WMI corruption?


In case you suspect the Collector is gathering misleading/inaccurate data from the Windows devices or some specific data is missing.

Taking into account the Collector gathers most of the device that data from WMI.

How can I verify that WMI is working as expected and how to fix it if needed?


Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a key part of the Windows Operating System. It is used to gather system statistics, monitor system health, and manage system components.

WMI provides users with some valuable information regarding the status of local or remote computers. It supports the configuration of security settings, system properties and permissions.

You can refer to this Microsoft article for further information.

The following procedure allows you to figure out whether the WMI is corrupted or not: 

Open a Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) with Administrator rights and enter this command:

winmgmt /verifyrepository

In the case of WMI corruption, the Collector might not work as expected, sending misleading information to the Engine.

Note: This is not an issue with the Nexthink Collector itself, but rather a Windows issue that negatively impacts the quality of the data gathered by the Nexthink Collector.

IMPORTANT: Repairing the WMI is a risky operation if done improperly. The procedures provided below must be carried out by an experienced System Administrator. Make sure to have a backup of all important data prior to starting the repair procedure.

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