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How to change the time zone of the Portal?


How can I change the time zone of the Portal?


Because of the distributed nature of the Nexthink solution, the time zone of the Portal may refer to either:

  • The time zone of the machine where the Portal itself is installed.

  • The time zone of the Portal account in each Engine.

Changing the time zone of the machine running the Portal

To change the time zone of the machine that is running the Portal, use the Web console to and follow these steps:

  1. Start the Web console in your web browser: https://<appliance_address>:99.

  2. In the Appliance settings, select Network Parameters.

  3. Choose the appropriate time zone from the list, according to the place where the Portal is located.

Changing the time zone of the Portal account

In V6, the Portal time zone corresponds to the time zone used for the “admin” user. The steps to be followed are:

  1. Log in to the Portal using the “admin” account.

  2. Go to the Profiles management page.

  3. Edit the profile “admin”.

  4. During this edit, you can change the time zone too.

The Portal uses the time zone of the machine where it is installed in combination with the time zone of the Portal account to schedule the collection of data from the Engines. To have directly the modification, you can go on the Engines management page, disconnect and then directly reconnect the Engine.

Note: Timezone of the Engines in the Portal → Administration → Engines is corresponding to the timezone of admin account in the Portal.

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