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Branding of campaigns


To catch the eye of your employees and give them confidence to willingly answering the questions of a campaign, brand campaign notifications with your own corporate logo and colors.

The configuration settings for branding your campaigns is centralized in the Portal. The logo, selected theme, and colors apply to the notifications of the campaign only and not to the questions, which keep their usual appearance.

Applies to platforms | Windows |  

Provide the logo of your company in PNG format. Use preferably a version of the logo with transparent background. The logo is displayed to the left of the notification text, inside an area of 84 x 84 pixels. If the provided logo has a different size, it is scaled up or down so that its biggest dimension fits the display area, while keeping the original aspect ratio of the image.

To supply the corporate logo to the Portal:

  1. Copy the logo file (e.g. mylogo.png) to the home directory of the nexthink account in the Portal by using your favorite SCP tool.

  2. Log in to the CLI of the Portal.

  3. Move the logo file to the configuration directory of the Portal with the following name: sudo mv mylogo.png /var/nexthink/portal/conf/end_user_feedback_logo.png

  4. Make Portal the owner of the file: sudo chown nxportal:nexthink /var/nexthink/portal/conf/end_user_feedback_logo.png

From that point on, campaigns display the custom logo.

Choosing the theme and color

Choose between two themes to determine the general appearance of notifications:

  • Dark (default), to display a black background with white colored text.

  • Light, to display a white background with black colored text.

Additionally, specify the color of the buttons inside the notification in hexadecimal RGB format (e.g. #4C4C4C for the default dark grey color).

To set up the theme and the colors of the buttons:

  1. Log in the CLI of the Portal.

  2. Optional: If the Portal has no configuration file yet, that is, if portal.conf does not exist in folder /var/nexthink/portal/conf, create it by copying the defaults from the sample configuration file: sudo -u nxportal cp /var/nexthink/portal/conf/portal.conf.sample \

  3. Edit the main configuration file of the Portal: sudo vi /var/nexthink/portal/conf/portal.conf

  4. Add the following two lines to the configuration file (or modify them if they already exist):globalconfig.euf-service.customization.theme="light"

  5. Save your changes and quit the vi editor by typing in: :wq

  6. Restart the Portal: sudo systemctl restart nxportal

Depending on the specified color for the background of the buttons, the system automatically chooses the color of the text inside the buttons to be either black or white for ensuring good readability, as well as the color of the border of the buttons when they get focus.


Test your customizations by previewing them in the Finder at the final stage of creating a campaign.


Notification example


Button color: #4C4C4C

Light theme

Button color: #88a2CC

Dark theme

Button color: #365D91

Collector awareness

To see the branding in campaign notifications, employees require Collector V6.10 or later installed on their devices.

Once you have saved your branding customizations and restarted the Portal, Collectors acknowledge the changes as soon as they are restarted or after a maximum of 12 hours.



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