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This document provides comprehensive information on Troubleshooting for the Nexthink Event Connector. This document provides a detailed description of procedures that can help in analyzing problems, as well as guidance to debug and solve them.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us via .
This document is intended for readers with a detailed understanding of Nexthinktechnology and Splunktechnology, as well as some understanding of concepts such as REST messages, HTTP errors, and some basic security terms.
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.
Last Revision: 16/10/2023
The log file where the following error conditions may be detected is located in the machine hosting the Nexthink Event Connector service, by default at /var/log/nxeventconnector/nxeventconnector.log. This default configuration can be conveniently modified, see the section of the Installation and configuration guide document.
If the machine where the Nexthink Event Connector is installed does not have an Internet connection, be aware that the following python dependencies must be satisfied:
It is necessary to manually install RPMS with such packages in the machine where the Nexthink Event Connector will be set up.
The following errors may occur if the default configuration files have not been modified.
No connection adapters were found
The service has started but never reaches the Engine and the log file displays something like:
In this case, please edit the ENGINES
section in the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to ensure that the endpoint for each Engine has the correct values. It is necessary to also edit the URI parameter of the specific integration section (either SPLUNK_HEC
) to ensure it has the expected value.
Query is not a String
The service has started, but it never reaches the Engine and the log file displays an error similar to the one below:
ERROR orchestrator [-] Query is not a string
To fix this issue, please check in /etc/nxeventconnector/events.conf to verify that all the queries are filled and correct.
The following are some of the connection related errors that can occur.
The error message shows that the nxeventconnector
service has started, but the data never reaches the configured Splunk instance and the log file displays an error code similar to the following:
ERROR orchestrator [-] HTTP 401: Token is required for http://yoursplunkinstance/services/collector
In this case, check in the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file in the SPLUNK_HEC
section to be sure that the token is correct.
The error shows that the nxeventconnector
service has started, but the data never reaches the configured ServiceNow instance and the log file displays an error code similar to the following:
ERROR orchestrator [-] HTTP 401: credentials are required, invalid authorization
In this case, please check the SERVICENOW section in the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to ensure that the login and password are correct.
The error shows that the nxeventconnector
service has started, but it is unable to authenticate against Azure, the log file displays an error code similar to the following:
msal_client [-] Unable to retrieve access token, error 'unauthorized_client'
In this case, check the AZURE DATALAKE_STORAGE_GEN2
section in the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to ensure that the tenant_id
, filesystem
, client_id
and client_secret
are correct and have the correct permissions to write in the selected filesystem.
The service has started, but it never reaches the configured Engine and the log file displays an error similar to the following:
ERROR orchestrator [-] Status code 401 for https://...
This could be solved by updating the ENGINES
section in the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to ensure that the user and password are correct for each engine.
The service has started and reaches the Engine, but the data is never retrieved into the target instance. For this issue, DEBUG mode should be set. The log file may display an error message similar to the following:
DEBUG orchestrator [-] Event connection returned exception sending
Again, please check in the SPLUNK_HEC
section of the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to be sure that the endpoint for the target instance has the correct values.
Error retrieving data: HTTPSConnectionPool
The service has started, but it never reaches the Engine and the log file displays an error message similar to the following:
ERROR orchestrator [-] Error retrieving data: HTTPSConnectionPool
Please check in the ENGINES
section of the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to be sure that the endpoint for each Engine has the correct values.
The service has started, but it never reaches the Engine and the log file displays an error message similar to the following::
ERROR orchestrator [-] HTTPSConnectionPool(host='...', port=...): Max retries exceeded with url: /2/query?platform=windows.....
Please check in the ENGINES
section of the /etc/nxeventconnector/config.conf file to be sure that the endpoint for each Engine has the correct values.
There are some conditions under which this error might arise:
The devices with the verify_cert_*
set to true
are using the Python version included in the package python-2.7.5-58.el7
The certificates used for the devices with the verify_cert_*
set to true
are invalid.
In such a case, a message similar to the following may be found in the log:
ERROR orchestrator [-] Error retrieving data: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) for https://x.x.x.x:1671/2/query?platform=windows&platform=mac_os&format=json&query=(se lect%20((device%20(name))......
The best fix is to set the verify_cert_*
parameters to false
and restart the service.
In this case, the service start
command is executed, but immediately the service stops in failed
status. A log file exists, but no relevant errors appear inside.
Please check the user and group of the log file /var/log/nxeventconnector/nxeventconnector.log. If the user or group are different from the nxeventconnector
value, please change it to the following:
sudo chown nxeventconnector:nxeventconnector /var/log/nxeventconnector/nxeventconnector.log
Restart the service. Now it should be up and running.
This issue may occur when the tools provided to check engine status, check query validation or check timezones, are executed after the first installation and just before the first service starts. These tools use the same log file as the service, but with a different user. So, if the log file did not exist when some of the tools were executed, these tools will create a log file (because the installation does not create it) with a different user/group than the nxeventconnector
verify_cert_engine or verify_cert_target
parameters are set to true
, see the section of the Installation and configuration guide document.
Nexthink provides support for the application in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Support and Maintenance Agreement applicable in between the customer and Nexthink. If you have any questions, please contact us via the .