Audit trail API
To enable the inspection of product use, each Nexthink Appliance stores the relevant activity of Nexthink users in the form of a log file. Conveniently retrieve the audit log files from any federated Appliance via the Audit trail API.
Note that the TCP port 443 needs to be open on every Engine connected to the Portal. If your Nexthink platform does not use the default Collector port, you have to open it using the Web Console.
If you replaced the default digital certificates (see the Importing and replacing certificates page), the Appliance server hosting the Portal instance must have the nginxSelfSignedCertificate
parameter set to false
. Edit the file /var/nexthink/nxauditlog/.env
or create one if needed. Add the following as a new line at the bottom:
To apply the changes, restart the audit log service using the following command:
sudo systemctl restart nxauditlogs
Calling the Audit trail API
To retrieve the audit log files of the Nexthink Appliances, send a GET request to the Portal (primary Appliance) with one of the following URLs:
Retrieve the audit log of the Portal
Retrieve the audit log of a particular Engine
Retrieve the audit log of all Engines
When generating a token, use the following scope: service:audit-trail
Refer to the Integrations with Nexthink documentation for more information.
Optional parameters
To retrieve a timeframe, use the following optional parameters:
before_date: returns all the events before the provided date or datetime. Format:
).elapsed_hours: returns all the events for the provided duration from now or before_date (when specified).
You can use both parameters independently.
Response of the Audit trail API
The Audit trail API returns the content of the audit log file in the target Appliance. In the case of a call to retrieve the audit log of all Engines, the response is the result of concatenating the audit log files of each connected Engine
Error conditions
When unsuccessful, a call to the Audit trail API returns an error response in the form of a JSON array, along with an HTTP error code:
Engine error
Internal server error 500
Unknown Engine name
Unreachable Engine
Last updated