Types of campaigns
There are a variety of situations in which you may want to know the opinion of the end users about a particular subject. Depending on the nature of the subject, specially on its temporal characteristics, asking for feedback usually requires different approaches. For instance, you may want to know the reaction of the end users to a single change in the IT infrastructure and ask them about it only once. In the case of a recurring event, however, it may be appropriate to repeatedly ask end users for feedback at every occurrence of the event. In other cases, such as when willing to know how end users perceive the quality of an IT service, it makes sense to continuously measure the evolution of the end-user satisfaction.
Three different types of campaigns let you adapt the measurement of the end-user experience to these usage patterns:
One-off campaign
Ask for feedback to the end users only once.
Recurring campaign
Repeatedly ask the end users for feedback about a matter that happens time and time again.
Continuous Satisfaction Measurement campaign (or continuous campaign for short)
Continuously estimate the overall satisfaction of end users with respect to a particular subject.
Specifying the type of campaign
When creating a campaign, indirectly specify its type by choosing the appropriate options in the RECIPIENTS section.
The first option lets you choose how the campaign targets users, which may already determine the type of the campaign:
When targeted manually or with a remote action, the result is a special kind of recurring campaign, as the campaign can target users again manually, through the Engage API, or through a remote action. The way to prevent resending the campaign to the same user in a short period of time depends on the chosen option (see quiet period below).
When targeted with an investigation, the type of campaign is determined by two additional options that appear just below the placeholder for the investigation that targets users.
The first option of a campaign that targets users with an investigation reads:
The campaign will be sent to (...)
To create either a one-off or a recurring campaign, choose all target users.One-off and recurring campaigns are sent to all the users retrieved by the investigation associated to the campaign when it is evaluated.
To create a continuous satisfaction measurement campaign, choose a different sample of target users every day (continuous measurement)Only a small fraction of the total target population actually receives the campaign each day. The system computes a sample of the target users from the total set of users retrieved by the associated investigation with the aim of maximizing the representativeness of the sample, while minimizing the annoyance of the end users (not all users need to answer the campaign).
Because all targeted users receive one-off or recurring campaigns, the second option for these types of campaigns reads:
Target users will receive the campaign
To create a one-off campaign, select only once from the list.
To create a recurring campaign, select again from the list. A second part of the sentence shows up, letting you define the recurring or quiet period; that is, the time between a user answers a campaign and the same user receives the same campaign again:
Enter a number followed by a time unit (to choose from a list) as the quiet period.
Because only a sample of the target users receive a campaign each day in continuous campaigns and because continuous campaigns always define a quiet period, the second option for continuous campaigns switches to:
Target users can receive the campaign again after
Enter a number followed by a time unit (to choose from a list) as the quiet period.
Characteristics of a campaign
Target evaluation and re-evaluation
In campaigns that target users manually, a Finder user selects the users from a list view or from a user view and then triggers the campaign. Therefore, there is no automatic evaluation of targets. To manually trigger a campaign, the campaign must be published beforehand.
In campaigns targeted with remote actions, the targets are determined by the remote action itself. The users who interact with the devices targeted by the remote action receive the campaign, which must have been published beforehand.
In campaigns targeted with investigations, the evaluation of targets starts at the moment of publishing the campaign. When you publish a campaign, the campaign executes its associated investigation to retrieve target users for the first time. In the case of a continuous campaign, it additionally computes a sample of the target users from the results of the investigation.
After publication, the set of target users is periodically re-evaluated by executing the investigation again and again (and taking a sample, if the campaign is continuous). The frequency of re-evaluation depends on the type of campaign, but it is always relative to the time of the first evaluation:
For one-off and recurring campaigns: 10 minutes.
For continuous campaigns: 24 hours.
That is, for one-off and recurring campaigns, re-evaluation happens frequently. For continuous campaigns, it happens once every day. Re-evaluation ends when the campaign is retired.
Sending the campaign to the end users
An end user that is retrieved by the investigation associated to a one-off or a recurring campaign, or which is part of the sample of target users selected by a continuous campaign, receives the campaign:
The process of sending the campaign to end users starts immediately after the campaign is published.
The sending process stops as soon as the campaign is retired.
If the campaign is republished, the sending process restarts straightaway.
Users who are offline (that is, not logged in to a device) when the campaign is sent cannot receive it immediately. Instead, the moment when offline users receive the campaign depends on the type of campaign:
For one-off and recurring campaigns: users receive the campaign the next time that they are targeted.
For continuous campaigns: users receive the campaign as soon as they log in to a device.
Reminder of notifications
An end user who got a notification from a campaign that has notifications enabled is reminded to provide the answers to the questions of the campaign with a new notification if:
The user did not answer all the questions of the campaign.
The user did not decline to participate in the campaign.
Once a user gets a notification from a campaign, the user keeps receiving reminder notifications to finish answering the questions even if that particular user is no longer part of the selected target users (after the re-evaluation of the investigation associated to the campaign). Reminder notifications appear thus in the device of the end user with the frequency specified in the definition of the campaign until one of the following conditions is met:
The user fully answers the campaign.
The user declines to participate in the campaign.
The campaign is retired.
Reminder notifications work with all types of campaigns, except for those launched from remote actions, and are independent of the quiet period.
Quiet period
The quiet period is a method of recurring and continuous campaigns to avoid bothering users more than is strictly necessary. Because of the repetitive nature of these types of campaigns, users may have to respond to the questions of a campaign more than once. The quiet period defines the minimum time interval between the moment when a user answers all the questions of a campaign and the moment when the same user receives the same campaign again.
The quiet period of recurring and continuous campaigns that are targeted with an investigation is specified in the definition of the campaign.
The quiet period of campaigns that are targeted with a remote action is controlled by the triggering period of the associated remote action.
The quiet period of manually targeted campaigns is fixed to two hours to prevent accidental re-triggering.
Effects of retiring and republishing a campaign
When a campaign targeted with an investigation is retired, it stops evaluating the target users and stops being sent. If the campaign is republished, it must be emphasized that it is still the same campaign that is relaunched again, which is different from starting anew. The history of the campaign is kept and, in particular, the status of the end users in relation to the campaign. The effects of republishing a campaign on the end users depends thus on their status and on the type of campaign:
On users who declined to participate
Republishing the campaign has no effect on these users, regardless of the type of campaign. They already declined to participate and will never receive the same campaign again.
On users who fully answered the campaign
For one-off campaigns, republishing has no effect, since the users already answered the campaign and will not receive it any more.
For recurring and continuous campaigns, users who already answered the campaign may be retargeted again, but always respecting their quiet period.
On users who were notified, but neither answered completely nor declined
For one-off campaigns, users are retargeted immediately, as long as they are still part of the results of the investigation that retrieves target users. Otherwise, users do not receive reminder notifications right away, but only when they become target users again.
For recurring and continuous campaigns, users may be retargeted respecting their quiet period, which is enforced in this case even though users did not fully answer the campaign in its previous incarnation. In the same way as in one-off campaigns, until users are not selected again as targets, they do not receive reminder notifications.
To target again users who declined to participate or users that fully answered a one-off campaign, you must create and publish a new campaign.
Retiring a manually targeted campaign implies that no Finder user can trigger the campaign, unless it is republished again. In the latter case, the quiet period of two hours applies to the retargeting of users who already answered the campaign.
Retiring a campaign targeted with a remote action implies that the remote action will not be able to display the campaign. Republish the campaign for the remote action to work properly.
Last updated
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