Collector MSI parameters reference table

Applies to platforms | Windows |

Mandatory parameters

Optional parameters

Windows parameters

Starting from V6, the Collector is usually able to upgrade without the need to reboot the device. Only when migrating from V5 or when the target device interferes with the installation process, a reboot is necessary. Set the REBOOT option in these cases to specify your choice.

For instance, if you do not want your devices to reboot right away after a V5 to V6 migration, set REBOOT=ReallySuppress. As a drawback, if you set this option, the upgrade to V6 will not be complete until the end-users reboot their devices.

In unattended execution mode, all choices are silently accepted. For example, if REBOOT=Force, the computer will automatically be rebooted after the MSI package installation.

Casing of properties

Always specify the names of the parameters (the properties) of the MSI in capital letters. If you include the properties with lower case letters in an MST, they will be considered private properties and you will not be able to modify them later from the command line.

The operations described in this article should only be performed by a Nexthink Engineer or a Nexthink Certified Partner.

If you need help or assistance, please contact your Nexthink Certified Partner.

Last updated