Detailed Library Pack Changelog

This page contains information about the changes brought with each version of the library pack since - 15 July 2020

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.27/2020.3.


Replaced 2 references to “DXS” with “DEX”

Removed unused "DEX - Device - Agents - Number of Devices" metric

Inverted names “Very satisfied” and “Very dissatisfied” in “Employee sentiment > Employee by “Device” satisfaction level” widget*

Changed wrong conditions in sentiment metrics*

List of updated metrics: DEX - Device - Happy employees, DEX - Device - Unhappy employees, DEX - Productivity - Happy employees, DEX - Productivity - Unhappy employees, DEX - ESS - Very dissatisfied, DEX - ESS - Somewhat dissatisfied, DEX - ESS - Somewhat satisfied, DEX - ESS - Very satisfied, DEX - Device - Very dissatisfied, DEX - Device - Somewhat dissatisfied, DEX - Device - Somewhat satisfied, DEX - Productivity - Very satisfied, DEX - Productivity - Very dissatisfied, DEX - Productivity - Somewhat dissatisfied, DEX - Productivity - Somewhat satisfied, DEX - Productivity - Very satisfied

Updated description in productivity & collaboration tool scores

*Only for the pack with Engage - 12 August 2020

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.27/2020.3.


Removal of unused “DEX – Benchmark” scoredef from library pack

Removal of 4 unused metrics from library pack

List of metrics: DEX – Device – High IO time, DEX – Device – High page fault time, DEX – Device – Memory usage, DEX – Device – CPU usage

Fix of normalization ranges of 2 leaf scores:

List of leaf score:

  • DEX – Productivity > DEX – Browser > Network response time (int)

  • DEX – Productivity > DEX – Browser > Network response time (ext)

Addition of minimum number of bars in widget "Overview > Business applications"

Addition of threshold option in 2 widgets

List of leaf score:

  • Business apps > Applications overview > Desktop applications

  • Business apps > Web App 9 > Experience by location - 28 September 2020

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.28/2020.4 and later.


Support of macOS

  • Added “mac_os” to all metrics

  • Added “mac_os” to all ScoreDefs

  • Updated Engage campaign’s trigger investigation to include macOS devices

  • Updated last question of Engage campaign to make it compatible with macOS

Addition of “virtual session” composite score under Device subscore

  • Added composite score UID="e1bca079-ab87-1121-248c-69e1ce955a9e"

  • Added leaf scores UID="0e8fce9e-1ae4-be54-840d-d7c0c4c85708" and UID="99ceea68-30bc-b27a-14e6-0f35c15e3b3a"

  • Added metrics UID="8b480c1d-66bb-4c1e-abbb-68f00a5fd32d", UID="83018b8c-24ba-4bc4-b066-90413ffdf734", UID="484346c9-cf42-46d0-9eb4-b8ac942a6590", UID="020a686d-4b6c-48a7-ba3f-5b3dd754e7cc", UID="28497f14-ce7d-40f1-bbce-39d55e253649", UID="cd5c133c-9d3b-40a4-b063-58dd51ccb7ed", UID="51abe1fc-c2ff-4855-84a9-205c0b45e2b3"

  • Added category “Virtualization type”

  • Added 4 widgets “Experience by virtualization type” on dashboards “Overview”, “Device”, “Productivity and Collaboration” and “Business apps”

  • Updated all scoredefs’ Scope filter query to include SBC servers

  • Updated NXQL query for leaf score UID="9cb395cb-61fb-4020-ae4f-78fc2b583424" to exclude SBC servers

Reviewed Experience levels thresholds in all the scoredefs

Added new attribute "IsFixable" for Experience Optomization usage

List of composite score:

  • UID="e39f53fc-a7b1-3dd2-7f35-e0a6f2669b33"

  • UID="d0244910-38e6-401f-aadf-79db91d3b25b"

  • UID="bc6d43a0-ed54-8fe6-a096-32c5c1b9ca7f"

  • UID="6ea176fb-f97a-3f5e-78b2-0b174b6617e0"

  • UID="e1bca079-ab87-1121-248c-69e1ce955a9e"

  • UID="402c3aa7-3b38-4285-932a-c044832d4da7"

  • UID="7d759704-b58e-437a-8cf3-c517995bb84a"

  • UID="6e94e661-1d76-4d3c-8ecf-26409711bc8d"*

Reordering of metrics in business apps widget

Remove non working breakdown by browser and agents

  • Updated “group by” option of following metrics

UID="f98bc07c-8b8e-4b69-a7ba-9d3cd22c521c", UID="9eb4c97d-90a3-488f-b47d-ef8927ab7aaf", UID="2c0f6021-0eb3-41ec-8376-1583e5609eb1", UID="1efaf310-0c11-4bd5-ad1c-963c825f701a", UID="ab80fdd9-8c83-4332-8ade-1162ae016111".

  • Removed widget under Device

  • Updated widget under Productivity & Collaboration tools > Browser

Added DisplayName attributes to composite scores

List of composite score:

  • UID="26730c5e-5c25-41d0-a5c3-9730a9e95578"

  • UID="f43285b3-e013-4d93-850d-c06080589f93"

  • UID="1447c426-d1e5-46c7-ac39-fe0b0a2e6470"

  • UID="51c488ef-a088-40fd-9818-3dcf8242338b"

  • UID="95c7c32d-c3cc-4360-9d3a-5693056cbd20"

  • UID="986a1030-92be-4d02-be6c-20c52a0166cf"

  • UID="ee50e8c4-37a3-430c-8f04-cc9202e80607"

  • UID="5605d480-645e-4cc1-ac3a-3bc405d2079d"

  • UID="05f27238-2ca1-4923-b0d2-20d405237d58"

  • UID="18ec1b4f-7233-4ec3-aa29-e43ca7624da5"

  • UID="8a3c5267-7220-4c58-905e-e61cd4378849"

  • UID="c5b5f4f8-d57d-4326-824c-dd79e23cc6eb"

  • UID="855e2b9d-6eb8-4504-839b-e3ef53cc8bd3"

  • UID="dd040a2d-f177-4c90-8cf5-e6bb3eb530ad"

  • UID="7e053c6c-f65f-4bff-8fd8-fb784533c714"

  • UID="33d87982-3854-4d5d-8cd0-bf63a66b8d42"

  • UID="8014f464-bb2c-4fd5-9496-d37809ec833a"

*Only for the pack with Engage - 07 December 2020

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.29/2020.5 and later.


Excluded agent binaries from device's applications freezes and applications crashes

List of leaf scores with updated NXQL query:

  • UID="bcf8ac7c-4f13-4244-aa2c-27e663ac020c"

  • UID="d013aae3-06fd-4bf9-a25e-0a202195e8db"

Replaced "-" with "—" in some default display names*****

List of leaf scores and composite nodes:

  • UID="198b7de4-0ec9-42bc-83b4-cbaafe67f383"

  • UID="87056d7b-6eef-40e3-aa11-b938dd0a7221"

  • UID="3af6b0c0-6015-4779-a76f-028c285cba89"

  • UID="b6457771-321e-4398-8b56-8aea07f62b08"

  • UID="d9ae3ca0-5ff8-48af-a642-137beb1a3150"

  • UID="6e94e661-1d76-4d3c-8ecf-26409711bc8d"

  • UID="649b0b96-f4e6-4e5d-b8f5-45d528b813d5"

  • UID="1bdfbbe3-a036-48f6-8486-5ebd52017121"

  • UID="a6fe7e0d-aba4-45d0-972d-a6041115478a"

  • UID="3e13ffd2-a107-40c0-ab80-a19e74df464b"

  • UID="fda781eb-bdde-4f41-af86-caac1ca22d95"

Office Suite web apps are now excluding web requests from the corresponding Office Suite desktop apps to prevent redundancy

List of leaf scores with updated NXQL query:

  • UID="d9da611d-1ca7-4941-a236-bfbff4061868"

  • UID="51c488ef-a088-40fd-9818-3dcf8242338b"

  • UID="c8643705-bf41-4629-b7da-0520f5b9bd3a"

  • UID="64fd0106-ac64-4a0d-848c-1f45f3a7a4cb"

  • UID="090c2325-84d6-483d-9ad0-616b034d9f86"

  • UID="97b85ad3-76d0-449d-96e8-030452b2696f"

  • UID="d7bd7857-6765-4efe-8623-1cf396da3fb6"

  • UID="19475e39-7e27-4455-a4e1-10518a46e712"

Updated default weights for Desktop nodes of Office Suite apps (New weight = 2)

List of composite nodes:

  • UID="26730c5e-5c25-41d0-a5c3-9730a9e95578"

  • UID="1447c426-d1e5-46c7-ac39-fe0b0a2e6470"

  • UID="95c7c32d-c3cc-4360-9d3a-5693056cbd20"

  • UID="ee50e8c4-37a3-430c-8f04-cc9202e80607"

  • UID="05f27238-2ca1-4923-b0d2-20d405237d58"

  • UID="8a3c5267-7220-4c58-905e-e61cd4378849"

  • UID="855e2b9d-6eb8-4504-839b-e3ef53cc8bd3"

  • UID="7e053c6c-f65f-4bff-8fd8-fb784533c714"

Added the DisplayName attribute to all the nodes that appears in the Finder

List of leaf scores and composite nodes:

  • Desktop 0: UID="1af35432-3867-4e73-8563-209ee74de9e9"

  • Desktop 1: UID="328f0363-2cff-4ebd-bd9f-daa4d922d861"

  • Desktop 2: UID="d8659a8d-12ad-427a-b45d-677229e3ea5d"

  • Desktop 3: UID="058ce4a9-52e3-4074-9f1e-e04235dad0f0"

  • Desktop 4: UID="6b1621d8-5efd-496e-8aee-16fc480f7528"

  • Desktop 5: UID="8713881a-099e-4118-a317-e741118138dc"

  • Desktop 6: UID="2f9cd1f0-fe22-4f39-8de3-157bf02f5713"

  • Desktop 7: UID="d726d634-14cc-420f-9bab-c2f8b3f41bdf"

  • Web app 0: UID="59c3c69d-7691-47e8-9838-a24e21ca1a34"

  • Web app 1: UID="77a058a3-75f6-4ffa-890e-b9b6b3f4907c"

  • Web app 2: UID="bfc77ac0-c56e-40cf-bc67-21e2b3c10087"

  • Web app 3: UID="377f5810-12af-4d18-94d9-832f1e010a87"

  • Web app 4: UID="31059849-610e-4139-9d29-e6f0cfaf5065"

  • Web app 5: UID="e1e7e793-1f19-4145-9564-c1c897da45a1"

  • Web app 6: UID="d31380c8-5b42-4d6d-969b-6a6701b7a725"

  • Web app 7: UID="c0c729f0-ea7c-4b2f-9839-bde1ad0aeea9"

  • Web app 8: UID="a83fb662-6415-4746-b887-3d50fbffcf08"

  • Web app 9: UID="6a3d9ce7-8c9a-4b0d-b214-04faf8032c8e"

  • Device performance: UID="31f74603-6f98-4437-8269-c445b45f05ce"

  • Agents impact: UID="5af7484d-2b4e-4f46-8b1a-03e490f87e06"

  • Device reliability: UID="0624661e-5efb-46af-a138-49f01fbb4bf2"

  • Device: UID="9f64a06b-0372-425e-8229-270a4ba8f86c"

  • Device (hard): UID="5e88f4aa-b237-4dc2-be7b-bec1fbf627b1"

  • Device (sentiment): UID="f39a94d5-07c0-418b-931a-b21431bd3498"

  • Business apps: UID="bb2ec891-5abe-4e3e-a4e8-941dc2d0a943"

  • Business apps (hard): UID="25c42902-a33a-4552-887c-17134fc2d57f"

  • Productivity & collaboration tools: UID="62ea7c66-c79d-4819-afc6-07bb277f71d9"

  • Productivity & collaboration tools (hard): UID="04cb4cc7-85c3-4aa8-b5f0-1fef82b50a38"

  • Productivity & collaboration tools (sentiment): UID="889aecba-69ca-4e13-a993-bb52188723f1"

  • Employee sentiment Score: UID="abb07b49-7bf2-4236-b751-aa364a96fcd3"

  • Employee sentiment: UID="3c180fb8-e8ed-4657-a2e9-01b83e459f18"

Reviewed all network response time leaf scores' default normalization

List of leaf scores:

  • Desktop App 0 response time: UID="9aa98b39-9a6d-41ff-86bc-5a7c699d6b22"

  • Desktop App 1 response time: UID="638e1af3-9cf6-4709-8c65-329c44197919"

  • Desktop App 2 response time: UID="82aeb007-b4b3-4a47-9ab1-903c01876e0a"

  • Desktop App 3 response time: UID="d538f525-1e00-46b8-adb8-e0839fdd50e5"

  • Desktop App 4 response time; UID="67a6058c-4ff7-4c44-a630-499a3bc34c32"

  • Desktop App 5 response time: UID="55217fd3-f921-40de-9ecf-0aa92cb49ad9"

  • Desktop App 6 response time: UID="a9664244-eb4a-425c-a537-e496503f34fb"

  • Desktop App 7 response time: UID="631c0a79-ba35-48ea-b631-44a35d08404f"

  • Web App 0 response time: UID="71dec6d4-dca8-4554-80f3-fbee74156639"

  • Web App 1 response time: UID="85a17f54-8e4e-449d-95e3-e9e2a7a2418d"

  • Web App 2 response time: UID="23be4561-9b62-4af4-9ba5-fd398d68e90d"

  • Web App 3 response time: UID="94785df5-950c-4c4a-a696-d013ab91be07"

  • Web App 4 response time: UID="13c76c6c-62e6-4f26-8b7f-e0a24b7ccec5"

  • Web App 5 response time: UID="7ecf3252-cca2-4e9e-a5dc-1407f4798bfd"

  • Web App 6 response time: UID="2043fed4-6fc0-47ca-946e-a97759f3c599"

  • Web App 7 response time: UID="4745af4d-c95d-4a94-bb74-c5f2727c9572"

  • Web App 8 response time: UID="cfd9bf75-c8cb-4a6f-ab11-6763bf50b2f8"

  • Web App 9 response time: UID="7d6b86cf-cb3d-4a6d-8bab-f270d552b719"

  • Word Processor network response time: UID="3e7db6ab-93e3-4d6d-b4b3-727adfd2b5b4"

  • Word Processor web network response time: UID="d9da611d-1ca7-4941-a236-bfbff4061868"

  • Spreadsheet program network response time: UID="7064bd6f-ba77-4262-be63-8716c40229e0"

  • Spreadsheet program web response time: UID="fc0871db-bc8c-440d-8f04-737bbd5b15c4"

  • Presentation program network response time: UID="fe6a9441-e79a-4ed4-a1fa-e85118655af7"

  • Presentation program program web response time: UID="c8643705-bf41-4629-b7da-0520f5b9bd3a"

  • Email program web response time: UID="64fd0106-ac64-4a0d-848c-1f45f3a7a4cb"

  • Note taking program network response time: UID="2148cb32-abb6-4f3c-a808-3583560a7448"

  • Note taking program web response time: UID="090c2325-84d6-483d-9ad0-616b034d9f86"

  • Collaboration program network response time: UID="39512472-5e96-4f79-988e-bf48c2e025ec"

  • Collaboration program web response time: UID="97b85ad3-76d0-449d-96e8-030452b2696f"

  • Document management solution network response time: UID="6d0f1b07-1bc4-43a3-884f-4fb5d7278ede"

  • Document management solution web response time: UID="d7bd7857-6765-4efe-8623-1cf396da3fb6"

  • File Sharing program network response time: UID="6489a6a8-464d-487b-9682-c21f20ccbff0"

  • File Sharing program web response time: UID="19475e39-7e27-4455-a4e1-10518a46e712"

  • Network response time (int): UID="6584d9c5-5c3e-49f8-8110-801c25117ffd"

  • Network response time (ext): UID="83e16b40-99d5-4dc5-98d8-d608e93420b0"

Added a range to the leaf score normalization to start with a plateau and reviewed normalization values based on benchmarking activity

List of leaf nodes:

  • UID="8a605be0-8e12-4189-8c57-db19ce09eaa4"

  • UID="1c5d9b07-283d-5ec1-327c-bdbbdf22dabd"

  • UID="b7a57af4-7e12-43ba-bd1a-141adc5b9852"

  • UID="9cb395cb-61fb-4020-ae4f-78fc2b583424"

Updated thresholds value in metrics for Experience level bins (8.01 => 8.00001 and 6.01 => 6.00001)

List of metrics:

  • UID="eb71d426-62f5-4eca-ae1b-428449bb778b"

  • UID="21df467e-b1e1-4858-bf42-a49b84a65f1b"

  • UID="7fbde0c4-6448-47c6-9edb-207f72913c6e"

  • UID="89de23ff-023f-4060-93a4-549628e7fce8"

  • UID="33a2fb10-61ba-4e67-9bd9-149e838e375a"

  • UID="8b69865f-cc44-41c2-a4be-7cec88c98d68"

  • UID="16d5107f-2439-45ad-aaaf-855a052241b1"

  • UID="91b3ebe7-8bd3-42fe-857d-2146adddce8e"

Made DEX Engage campaign compatible with 6.29 Engage Tray

Added TrayDesign="lightning" to

Updated 2 nodes' displayName

New DisplayName values:

  • Device — Application crashes (UID="bcf8ac7c-4f13-4244-aa2c-27e663ac020c")

  • Device — Application freezes (UID="d013aae3-06fd-4bf9-a25e-0a202195e8db")

Please note that since v6.29/2020.5, the Application start time is disabled by default for new Collector installations.

*Only for the pack with Engage - 15 March 2021

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.29/2020.5 and later.


Fix condition of a sentiment-based metric to take into account past Engage answers up to 28 days ago*

Metric: UID=4545a28a-4664-4dad-a10e-8eaba18c1b88

Rename Productivity & Collaboration score to Productivity Applications score

  • Updated titles in dashboards

  • Updated nodes displayname attribute*: UID="7d759704-b58e-437a-8cf3-c517995bb84a", UID="d9224573-937c-4be0-9a8b-f2c61f90d3d7", UID="aeb97096-2460-4c55-88d0-4213fb4e5689", UID="cd95b099-508e-45c3-8642-58df7cbe87ff", UID="540e25b1-4778-406c-9483-b26cb71ff74d", UID="a476dafd-56cf-4a91-b7a7-598e4f9d2ebc"

Updated default auto-tagging rule for "non-virtual" keyword of "Virtualization type" category

new default value: "*"

Please note that since v6.29/2020.5, the Application start time is disabled by default for new Collector installations.

*Only for the pack with Engage - 30 June 2021

This version is only available to customers with Nexthink 6.29/2020.5 and later.


Updated logical expression of metrics from “1” to “1 AND 2”

List of metrics:

  • UID="83018b8c-24ba-4bc4-b066-90413ffdf734"

  • UID="484346c9-cf42-46d0-9eb4-b8ac942a6590"

  • UID="020a686d-4b6c-48a7-ba3f-5b3dd754e7cc"

  • UID="28497f14-ce7d-40f1-bbce-39d55e253649"

  • UID="cd5c133c-9d3b-40a4-b063-58dd51ccb7ed"

  • UID="51abe1fc-c2ff-4855-84a9-205c0b45e2b3"

Updated thresholds value in metrics for Experience level bins (8.00001 => 8.01 and 6.00001 => 6.01)

List of metrics:

  • UID="eb71d426-62f5-4eca-ae1b-428449bb778b"

  • UID="21df467e-b1e1-4858-bf42-a49b84a65f1b"

  • UID="7fbde0c4-6448-47c6-9edb-207f72913c6e"

  • UID="89de23ff-023f-4060-93a4-549628e7fce8"

  • UID="33a2fb10-61ba-4e67-9bd9-149e838e375a"

  • UID="8b69865f-cc44-41c2-a4be-7cec88c98d68"

  • UID="16d5107f-2439-45ad-aaaf-855a052241b1"

  • UID="91b3ebe7-8bd3-42fe-857d-2146adddce8e"

Please note that since v6.29/2020.5, the Application start time is disabled by default for new Collector installations.

Last updated