GSuite: Sentiment


This pack uses Nexthink Engage campaigns. As such some configuration is required to ensure the campaigns are targeted suitably. Each Campaign is discussed below.

GSuite - New Service Arriving

Configure Campaign GSuite - New Service Arriving if you have a new or Service (or just if you want to inform users of change to one of the existing GSuite Services). There is not specific set of users targeted with this Campaign, it is your choice.

First you must edit the Campaign and insert in the description exactly what you would like to say to users, including any hyperlinks you might need. Once this is done select 'Publish' from the menu. Because it is a manually targeted Campaign, next go to the Investigations area in the Finder and make a user based Investigation targeting whichever users you wish to receive the Campaign. As an example we have included an Investigation 'GSuite - Users using Google Chrome' which can be used if wished. Once you have the results, i.e. your target user set, right click and from the context menu and select the campaign to deliver it. Make sure you get the list of users correct so as to not deliver to users not expecting the Campaign.

Note that once published you can edit the description and content of the Campaign to amend it for new services being delivered.

GSuite - Service Outage / Service Resolved

Configure this Campaign when there is a planned or unplanned Service Outage. The process is exactly as described above for the 'New Service Arriving' Campaign, however with two Campaigns, both the announcement and the resolution campaigns, ensure that you send the right campaign to the right users for when the service outage occurs and when it is resolved.

GSuite - Production Feedback

This campaign is a general feedback Campaign for users of the GSuite service. It indicates overall satisfaction with the Service. As above, the Campaign should be manually targeted to a group of Employees if to be delivered one time only. This campaign could also be run regularly to Employees to continually understand the Sentiment of users and any happiness or unhappiness with the Service.

If you wish to change the Campaign to be a regularly running campaign it will need to be altered to be targeted with a suitable investigation for your target users. For more information on this process please see the relevent documentation

GSuite - Audio or Video Call Quality Satisfaction

Unlike the previous Campaigns, this Campaign is intended for continuous feedback on G Suite call quality and Video quality. Examine the Campaign details in terms of the title and description amending as wished. When ready, publish the Campaign. It is targeted at the Investigation 'GSuite users with audio or video calls in the last hour' so when published this Investigation will be evaluated and continue to be so every 10 minutes following. The Campaign is configured so that no recipient will get the Campaign more than once every six months.

This configuration is flexible. If you wish to change it to be manually targeted you are free to do so.

Last updated

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