Teams - Advanced Health
Overall configuration
Follow the overall configuration for all Teams library packs.
Remote Actions
The Advanced Health solution pack delivers some additional metrics which provide further detail on the landscape. These are provided by Remote Action’s which can be configured to run on an as-needed basis or regularly.
There are three Remote Actions which can be used:
Remote Action: Get Teams Info
This Remote Action is found within the Nexthink Library > On Demand area:

The data returned by the remote actions are:
Devices with Connection Issues – these are devices that have reported a problem connecting to the Teams service within the last 24 hours.
Devices with Authentication Issues – These are devices that have reported a problem with Authentication of the user within the last 24 hours.
Users Making Calls – This is a count of the number of calls made by a user over the last 24-hour period.
Deployment Ring – This is the Microsoft Deployment Ring if there are users that are members of the Technology Adopter Programme for Microsoft Teams. Note that this is separate and different from the Nexthink "Teams User Deployment Ring" which is entirely configurable by the Nexthink Administrator as they wish.
Remote Action: Reinstall Teams Client
This Remote Action can be used to initiate an install or reinstall action of the latest version of the Teams Client on the given device.

The Remote Action will work in the context of the current interactive user, if no user is logged on it will exit.
If the user is not using Teams then it will upgrade Teams in the background (although note that as part of this Teams executes once installed, which is unavoidable).
If the user is logged in then a campaign is launched allowing the user the choice of installing Teams, skipping or deferring:

Once the reinstallation has completed the Campaign closes with a final message confirming it has run and then exits.
Remote Action: Invoke Network Assessment Tool
This Remote Action executes the Skype for Business Network Assessment Tool. Despite its title, this tool can be used universally to test connection quality for Teams or Skype for Business and is based upon the execution on the client of the free tool directly from Microsoft. When using the tool note that it uses the Teams port ranges to make its check (3478, 3479, 3480, 3481) and as per the Microsoft Port Requirements Page for O365 these must be open as per normal Teams configuration for the tool to work.
The Remote Action currently relies on the tool being installed on the client, in the default location, therefore before executing the tool it should be deployed via software distribution or manually to as many machines as are wished.
Once present, the Remote Action should be set to be able to be run on demand and can then be executed against the machine(s).

The tests will take approximately 30 seconds and the output will be a set of values that determine the quality of the connection.
Along with the actual returned values, the solution also output’s whether these values pass or fail Microsoft’s benchmarks for a suitable quality connection for Teams

This RA can be run as a one-off test to check quality but also on a regular basis to confirm line quality on a daily or weekly basis.
The Advanced Health data can all be seen on the Advanced Health Dashboards that are part of the Pack:

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