Configuring session performance storage
The session performance data is only stored if you enable it using the Portal. By default, it is disabled. When activated, the necessary settings will be automatically configured on all connected Engines. It is not possible to restrict the change to a single Engine or a subset of them. Changing the parameters will not trigger a restart of the Engines.
Session performance storage management
To configure the storage policy, connect to the Portal as a central administrator. In the main navigation bar on the left, click on the administration icon and select Engines under the System configuration section.
Check the box next to remote sessions if you want to store additional informations related to the remote sessions connecting to a server.
Check the box next to local sessions if you want to store additional informations related to the remote sessions using the console session.
Impact on data retention
Activating the option to store that supplementary data on the Engine will have an impact on the amount of events stored on it, and thus the overall data retention. You should expect a typical impact of less than 5%. So for an Engine configured to store 200 million events, when full, up to 10 million of them could be linked to the session performance monitoring.
Last updated