Activity tooltips
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The tooltip shows the number of executions during the selected time interval. All the applications executed by user accounts were run at the user privilege level. Note that executions carried out by system accounts, which usually operate at the administrator privilege level, may also contribute to the count.
The tooltip displays the number of executions during the selected time interval with an additional privilege warning. The warning indicates that at least one of the executions was carried out by a user account with power user or administrator privilege levels.
The connections tooltip displays the overall amount of traffic measured during the selected time interval. This includes the TCP and UDP traffic that the device sent out and the TCP traffic that the device received.
The tooltip displays the name of the user that interacted with the device along with the total duration of the interaction (in parenthesis). The maximum duration is limited by the selected time interval, which is indicated in the header of the tooltip. User interaction is detected as mouse or keyboard activity of the user. The user is considered inactive if the device does not receive any mouse or keyboard event for 15 minutes.
The tooltip can only be displayed if the monitoring of user interaction is enabled.
This tooltip displays an average value of the session network latency taken across all session performance events.
This tooltip displays an averaged value of the Citrix round trip time taken across all session performance events. That measure is only available for the Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) protocol from Citrix.
This tooltip displays the executions triggered by a user on a virtual environment.
At least one successful synchronization with the Exchange ActiveSync server has been detected within a one-hour window.
If push notifications are set-up, the device will automatically synchronize when a new event arrives on the server (email, calendar update, etc…). However, the user can also manually synchronize their device at any time, or disable push notifications and schedule the synchronization at a regular interval.