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Errors in the execution of remote actions

The execution of a remote action can fail because of different reasons. Find below the list of possible errors that a failed execution of a remote action can return.

The Finder displays the error message in the field Execution status details:


The script timed out and was terminated before completion.

Execution of remote actions is disabled

The remote action could not be executed: the script execution policy is set to disabled.

Invalid signature or certificate

The remote action could not be executed: the script signature is invalid or the certificate is not trusted.

User context

The remote action could not be executed in the context of the user: no user is logged in, there is more than one user logged in (and none are active) or this is a server operating system.

Self-help scenario

Engage license not enabled or trying to run on a server

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.