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Federation issues. What data to gather from the Appliance.


What information/logs to gather from the Appliance when facing problems with the federation?


When the federation is failing is very useful to set the webconsole into debug mode, so the error message can be more informative. This will help the support team to narrow down the issue faster.


1. On the Portal Appliance CLI and set the webconsole into debug logging mode. This can be done with the following one-liner:

sudo sed -i 's+\$config\['\''log_threshold'\''\] = 2;+\$config\['\''log_threshold'\''\] = 4;+g' /var/nexthink/console/www/application/config/config.php

2. Restart the webconsole service on the Portal for the new settings to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart nxconsole

3. Reproduce the federation problem.

4. Revert the webconsole to normal logging mode:

sudo sed -i 's+\$config\['\''log_threshold'\''\] = 4;+\$config\['\''log_threshold'\''\] = 2;+g' /var/nexthink/console/www/application/config/config.php

5. Restart the webconsole service on the Portal for the new settings to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart nxconsole

6. Run the support script on both the Portal and the Engine that you tried to federate without success or error.

Navigate to Support Section in the webconsole:

Select to run the script option:

Once output is generated (it may take some time), download the results locally:

7. Open a ticket with the support team including the support script outputs.

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