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How can I troubleshoot the status of the TCP connection of the Collector?


How can I troubleshoot the status of the TCP connection of the Collector?


You can check the TCP connection status of the Collector by using the Collector configuration tool:

nxtcfg.exe /g tcp_status

You have probably already executed the command shown above and it has displayed an error you want to know more about.

The following table contains a list of errors, their description and remediation for each:




[ERROR] Nexthink Coordinator service is not installed

The Coordinator is not found in the device. No TCP connection is established.

Reinstall the Collector.

[ERROR] Nexthink Coordinator service can not be queried

The Coordinator is momentarily not able to respond to the query.

Retry the nxtcfg /g tcp_status command and restart the device if the same status is shown again.

[ERROR] unknown

There was an unknown error while trying to get the status of the TCP connection from the Coordinator.

Retry the nxtcfg /g tcp_status command and restart the device if the same status is shown again.

[INFORMAL] Nexthink Coordinator service is stopped

The Coordinator service is installed but not running. No TCP connection is established.

  • Restart the Nexthink Coordinator Service.

  • Open a command prompt with admin privileges and type the following command: nxtcfg /restart

[INFORMAL] Initializing connection

The Coordinator is starting and it will soon attempt to establish a TCP connection with the Engine.

The connection initialization should not be longer than 2 minutes and this message should be updated after this time.

This status can also be seen if you have no endpoints allocated. 

[INFORMAL] connected

The Coordinator has established a TCP connection with the Engine successfully.

Nothing to do!

[ERROR] protocol failure

There is a version mismatch between the Collector and the Engine.

An upgrade of the oldest component should be done.

[ERROR] Customer Key issue

There is a mismatch between the Customer Key in the Collector and that of the Engine.

  • Download the customer key from WebConsole.

  • Open a command prompt with admin privileges and reset the customer key used by the Coordinator with the help of this command: nxtcfg /s customer_key=%customer_key_file_path%.

  • Restart the Collector with the help of the following command (from command prompt with admin privileges):

    • nxtcfg /restart

[ERROR] Certificate issue

There is a mismatch between the root certificate in the Collector and that used to sign the server certificate in the Engine.

  • Make sure that no system wide local proxy is configured on the device.

  • Download the root certificate from WebConsole

  • Open a command prompt with admin privileges and reset the rootCA used by Coordinator with the help of this command: nxtcfg /s root_ca=%root_ca_file_path%

  • Restart the Collector by typing in the following command (from command prompt with admin privileges)

    • nxtcfg /restart

  • Make sure that the certificate installed in the Engine is the one used in the endpoint. If not self-signed, add it to the local computer certificate store (not the user store) of the Endpoint device: Execute certlm.msc (as Administrator) and make sure that certificate is added in the local "Trusted Root Certification Authority", and finally restart Nexthink Coordinator service.

[ERROR] Host not found

The DNS name or IP address of the Engine configured in the Collector designates a host that is not found in the network.

  • Check the IP address of the Appliance hosting the Engine

  • Open a command prompt with admin privileges and set the correct IP address (if wrong or not set) with the help of this command nxtcfg.exe /s ip=%IP%.

[ERROR] TCP connection failure with code: <number>

Returns an error code from the underlying implementation that indicates the reason for the failure.

In the event of one of the following error codes (0, 1, 2 or 7), apply the following steps:

  • Make sure that no system wide local proxy is configured on the end point device.

  • Make sure the network is up and running

  • Check the target Engine Appliance IP address set for the Collector

  • Check the firewall rules and settings of the client device

If the error code is different from those above, contact the Nexthink Support.

[INFO] Protocol handshake in progress

"Protocol handshake" is taking place between "Initializing connection" phase and "Connected" phase.

Can happen on both Windows and Mac Collector.

In this case check:

  • Available licenses on the Engine where the Collector is connecting.

  • If Assignment service is used, this service should be up and running. Assignment is enabled on the Collector side. Collector is getting assigned to the corresponding Engine (can be checked under assignment page in the Portal and verified on the Collector side with nxtcfg /l command from command prompt with admin privileges)


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