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How to get the Support script output from the Appliance


How to get the Support Script output from the Appliance with the problem?


The easiest way is to run support script from the WebConsole of the Appliance and download it there. If for some reasons WebConsole is not accessible, then it can be done manually from the CLI of the Appliance.


From the Appliance WebConsole

Since appliance version 6.24 and higher, you can now run support script directly from the appliance's web console.

To run the Support script from the Web Console:

  1. Log in to the Web Console of the concerned Appliance.

  2. Select the APPLIANCE tab at the top of the Web Console.

  3. Click Support from the left-hand side menu.

    • When retrieving data from the Portal Appliance, tick any of the choices under Extra options, if requested by Support:

      1. Tick SMTP logs to include the logs related to sending emails from the Appliance (notifications and digests).

      2. Tick SSO logs to include the logs about the authentication of users through single-sing on.

  4. Click the button RUN SCRIPT under Run support script.

  5. Once finished, the output will be generated under Script ResultsDownload Results

The execution time of the Support script can take up to approximately 10-20 minutes. Avoid restarting the Appliance while the script is running.

Sending the results to support

To get the results from the Web Console, still from the Support page:

  1. Click the button DOWNLOAD RESULTS under Script results.

    • The date and time of the last created file appear to the right of the button.

    • If no results are yet available, the message No Support script results found is displayed instead.

  2. Attach the downloaded file to your answer in the support ticket.

Information gathered

This script will export hardware configuration such as CPU and RAM information as well as configuration and log files from the Appliances hosting either the Engine or the Portal. This output will help us get a better and clearer picture of the current situation and the overall health of the environment. Depending on the issue we might need to retrieve sensitive information from your environment, such as SMTP server IP, email for testing purposes, AD server information and other logs. However, this is used internally only for debugging purposes in order to solve your issue and is deleted once it has been solved. We also remove all usernames and passwords during script execution.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that these files do not contain Personal Data as Nexthink does not require Personal Data to provide its Support services. Customers are requested to anonymize all files before sending them to Nexthink.

Manually from the CLI of the Appliance

In case you don’t have the option to access the WebConsole, the support script can be executed manually via CLI.

  1. Navigate to the location where the script is located: /var/nexthink/support/

  2. From this location run the script using the following command:
    sudo ./

  3. Necessary output will be generated in the same location: /var/nexthink/support/


Additionally you can parse some parameters and options depending on the issue faced by customers:

  • If the issue is related to alarms, email digests or system alarms not being sent, use -m parameter.

  • If the issue is related to Windows authentication of users in Portal or Finder, use -s parameter.


sudo ./ [options [parameters]]


-h Show this usage information

-m <> Enable special SMTP logs for troubleshooting

-s Enable special SSO logs for troubleshooting

-r Remove any previous output in the current path

-w Show current hardware specifications

-v Show script version

-s or -m options are only intended for Portal Appliances.

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