How to run collector reporter for V6.24 and higher on MacOS
How to run collector reporter for V6.24 and higher on MacOS device?
The steps below are for macOS collector v6.24 and higher.
Open a terminal and issue the following commands.
Stop plists for the Nexthink driver and coordinator service:
2. Change value in config.json to "trace" level:
3. Start plists for the Nexthink driver and coordinator service:
4. Reproduce behavior or fault condition while the collector is in "Trace" mode.
5. Copy the “reporter” file to your home directory. You can find the reporter in the collector .DMG image.
Open a terminal and execute
Change the permissions on the output file so you can copy it off the appliance
6. Copy the generated from the Mac and send this to Nexthink support.
NOTE: Currently the following files are not gathered by default by the reporter but will be in the future.
For now, please upload both these 2 log files in addition to the for support
To revert back to the original warning log-level:
Stop plists for the Nexthink driver and coordinator service:
2. Change value in config.json to "warning" level:
3. Start plists for the Nexthink driver and coordinator service: