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Logging in to the Portal

To log in, use your corporate single sign-on (SSO) if your administrator has enabled either SAML authentication or Windows authentication for users. Otherwise, if plain authentication via Active Directory is available, log in with your Windows credentials. Alternatively, if no external authentication mechanism is available, use the credentials of your own dedicated Nexthink account.

Login process

  1. Open your web browser.A list of all supported browsers is available in the Portal release notes.

  2. Type the Portal fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or Internet Protocol address (IP) in the address bar. Example: :https://nxportal.nexthink.localhttps://

  3. The Portal will redirect you to the corporate SSO authentication page or directly let you in if you are already authenticated.Access to the standard login page is still possible by adding /login at the end of the address. Examples: https://nxportal.nexthink.local/loginhttps://

  4. When no corporate SSO is available, the Portal will load the standard login page. From there you can choose any of the following methods to authenticate:

    • SSO

    Click use corporate single sign-on, to authenticate through SAML (only available if SAML authentication is enabled). If you have not logged in to your corporate SSO yet, the Portal will redirect your web browser to the corporate SSO authentication page.

    • Windows authentication

    Click use Windows authentication, to authenticate with your Windows credentials (only available if Windows authentication is enabled).

    • Local accounts

    Enter your credentials manually:

    1. Type in your user name under Username.

    2. Type in your Password.

    3. Optional: Tick the box Remember me for the Portal to automatically fill in the Username field the next time that you log in.

    4. Click Sign in.

The logo and the background used for the login page can be customized.

Error pages

When the Portal is down for maintenance reasons or it is still restarting, a bad gateway error produces the following error page:

If a requested page is not found in the Portal (error 404) or access is forbidden (error 403), the following page is returned in both cases:



JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.