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What does the Installation Error 1603 mean?


What does the Installation Error 1603 mean?


The following table summarizes the different possible problems that may prevent the Collector MSI package from being installed:

  • You don't have the administrative privileges on this machine to install the Nexthink Collector. Make sure you are using the correct credentials with local administrative privileges.

  • Your Operating System (OS) is not compatible with this version of the Nexthink Collector. Make sure you have chosen the right Collector package for your OS.

  • The Nexthink Collector is not compatible with your OS architecture. Make sure you are using the installer that belongs to your OS architecture.

  • A newer version of the Nexthink Collector is already installed. Uninstall it first if you want to proceed.

  • The Nexthink Collector service is marked for uninstall. Reboot your computer and try again.

  • When installing the driver with a deployment tool, the installation process fails and the following error is raised: "For this MSI package to be installed, Windows Installer must be run from within an interactive session." This issue only occurs if the user installing the Collector package is not a LocalSystem user.

You can refer to the following Microsoft article for further information regarding this type of error. 

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.