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Configuring Collector level anonymization


Nexthink offers various ways to anonymize data and granular controls for user privacy. The approach described in this article complements the similar features offered by the data storage layer, making sure the data leaving the device is anonymized.

If the data anonymization is enabled for the user name and activity at the Collector level, there is no need to enable the server-side equivalents.

User name

By default, the Collector reports a user name in a human-readable format. Use one of the following solutions to enable the user name's encryption and produce a unique, irreversible hash as an output.

If the Nexthink server infrastructure is configured to retrieve data from Active Directory using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol the system discards the information coming from the Collector and only keeps the one coming from Active Directory.

Windows remote action

The remote action labeled Set Collector Configuration allows you to change the Collector configuration parameter for the anonymized user name feature.

Windows registry

Use the Windows registry to create the following key:

registry key


value type




For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the registry.

  3. Start the Collector.

macOS configuration file

Use the Mac Collector configuration file config.json located in the folder/Library/Application Support/Nexthink to add the following parameter on a new line at the end of the file before the closing curly bracket:

"AnonymizeUserName": true

Here is an extract of the end of a configuration file.

"proxy_address": "",
"AnonymizeUserName": true

(info) The first lines have been hidden and are shown as … on line number 1.

For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the configuration file.

  3. Start the Collector.

Focus time

By default, the focus time feature is disabled. Use one of the following solutions to enable it.

Windows remote action

The remote action labeled Set Collector Configuration allows you to change the Collector configuration parameter for the focus time feature.

Windows registry

Use the Windows registry to create the following key:

registry key


value type




For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the registry.

  3. Start the Collector.

macOS configuration file

Use the Mac Collector configuration file config.json located in the folder /Library/Application Support/Nexthink to add the following parameter on a new line at the end of the file before the closing curly bracket:

"EnableWindowFocusTimeMonitoring": true

Here is an extract of the end of a configuration file.

"proxy_address": "",
"EnableWindowFocusTimeMonitoring": true

(info) The first lines have been hidden and are shown as … on line number 1.

For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the configuration file.

  3. Start the Collector.

User activity

By default, the user activity feature is enabled. Use one of the following solutions to disable it.

Note that a restart of the Collector is required for the changes to take effect.

Windows registry

Use the Windows registry to create the following key:

registry key 


value type




For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the registry.

  3. Start the Collector.

macOS configuration file

Use the Mac Collector configuration file config.json located in the folder /Library/Application Support/Nexthink to add the following parameter on a new line at the end of the file before the closing curly bracket:

"DisableUserInteractionTimeMonitoring": true

Here is an extract of the end of a configuration file.

"proxy_address": "",
"DisableUserInteractionTimeMonitoring": true

(info) The first lines have been hidden and are shown as … on line number 1.

For the changes to take effect, follow this sequence:

  1. Stop the Collector.

  2. Modify the configuration file.

  3. Start the Collector.

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