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Sending email notifications from the Appliance

Mail server settings

For the Engine and the Portal to send alert notifications and dashboard digests via email, configure the mail server (SMTP) settings of the Appliance through the Web Console. Configure first the mail server settings of the primary Appliance:

  1. Log in to the Web Console of the Appliance that hosts the Portal (the primary) as admin from a web browser:


  1. Click the APPLIANCE tab at the top of the window.

  2. Select the Mail server section from the left-hand side menu.

  3. Tick the option Enable mail server and fill out the form:

    1. SMTP server: The name or IP address of the mail server, followed by the port number (usually, 25).

    2. Sender email address: The email account to use for sending the notifications on behalf of the Engine or the Portal.

    3. Username and Password: The user credentials to provide if the mail server requires authentication.

    4. Tick the box Enable TLS if your mail server requires encrypted communication. The Appliance only supports STARTTLS as the mechanism to establish an encrypted mail channel.

    5. Optional: Verify your mail server settings in Send test email. Click the button SEND to post a test message to the recipients listed in the Accounts section of the left-hand side menu, under Notifications (see below).

  4. Click Save changes to make your changes permanent.

In a primary / secondary setup, the Engine resides in the same Appliance as the Portal and shares the same mail server settings. In usual setups with one or several Engines hosted in separate Appliances, you have two options for configuring the mail server of the secondary Appliances:

  • Centralize the mail server settings of the secondary Appliance during federation

    In this way, the secondary Appliance (the Engine) takes the mail server configuration of the primary Appliance (the Portal).

  • Log in to the Web Console of the secondary Appliance and configure its mail server settings as previously shown for the primary Appliance. This is only possible if you have not centralized the mail server settings of the secondary Appliance yet; in which case, the Mail server section becomes read-only in the Web Console of the secondary Appliance.

Appliance notifications

The Appliance sends notifications via email to a list of selected recipients with information on the status of updates and backups:

  • Appliance update

    • Update available

    • Update completion

    • Update error

  • Backup

    • External backup

    • Backup error

To set the list of recipients for the Appliance notifications:

  1. Log in to the Web Console of the Appliance that hosts the Portal (the primary) as admin from a web browser:


  1. Click the APPLIANCE tab at the top of the window.

  2. Select the Accounts section from the left-hand side menu.

  3. Under Notifications, type in the list of Email addresses that will receive the notifications. Separate the email addresses from each other by a comma.

  4. Click Save changes to make your changes permanent.

Set the address of the Portal for the links in email digests

Users of email digests can click on some parts of the digest to open the Portal and display the appropriate dashboard; that is, the dashboard that contains detailed info about the clicked part (metric or service).

For the links in the digest to correctly point to the Portal, set the base address of the Portal (DNS or IP) in the Web Console:

To set the base address of the Portal for the links in the email digests:

  1. Log in to the Web Console of the Appliance that hosts the Portal from a web browser as admin:


  1. Click the Portal tab at the top of the window.

  2. Select the General section fromt the left-hand side menu.

  3. Under Parameters, type in the name or IP address of the Portal in Portal address.

  4. Click SAVE CHANGES and wait for the Portal to restart.

Note that the Finder also uses this address for detecting and installing updates and that it is required for drilling-down from the Portal to the Finder.



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