Dimensioning guide

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Dimensioning requirements

Appliance requirements

The table below demonstrates recommended hardware characteristics for the Chatbot SDK appliance in relation to the number of Engines and devices. Additionally, it predicts the number of user conversations supported by Chatbot SDK within given parameters.

CPU, disk & RAM
Number of concurrent conversations


1 engine

20K devices


10GB disk


800 concurrent conversations

assuming 100 requests to Chatbot SDK per second


20 engines

200K devices


20GB disk


1600 concurrent conversations

assuming 200 requests to Chatbot SDK per second


50 engines

500K devices


40GB disk


3200 concurrent conversations

assuming 400 requests to Chatbot SDK per second

The number of concurrent conversations is estimated with the assumption that every conversation makes 4 requests every 30 seconds. For more information refer to the Measurement methodology section below.

It is preferable to use SSD for the disk storage as there is a lot of data movement in the cache.

Discovery duration

The discovery process is responsible for downloading required information from Engines to the local cache. The table demonstrates the estimated duration time of the discovery process, which depends on the number of engines and bandwidth. The bandwidth between Chatbot SDK and Engines is critical to get a reasonable time for the discovery process.

Bandwidth Chatbot SDK - Engine
Number of engines
Discovery duration per engine

50 mbps



< 1 minute

10 mbps


1 minute

5 mbps


2 minutes

50 mbps



1 minute 35 seconds

10 mbps


3 minutes 15 seconds

5 mbps


5 minutes 30 seconds

50 mbps



4 minutes

10 mbps


8 minutes 15 seconds

5 mbps


15 minutes

Measurement methodology

Appliance requirements

To validate a scenario with a high number of endpoints, a custom traffic generator was used to interact with the API. Chatbot SDK was installed on virtual machines where Engines were a part of the performance environment running on Azure.

The hardware requirements were calculated to avoid maximum memory and CPU usage when generating traffic that started to stress the engines. The limits were set in order to avoid an impact on the response time of Engines. They were set when the response time started to increase.

To estimate the maximum number of concurrent conversations the following scenario was used:

  • For each conversation, there was one request per 30 seconds.

  • With this estimation, a hundred simultaneous conversations translate to 400 requests in 30 seconds or around 13 requests per second.

Discovery duration

Different tests were conducted using the same scenario. The variables that had a higher impact on the discovery duration were:

  • Network latency

  • Number of engines

  • Number of devices

Last updated

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