Persona Insight - Library Pack (V.

This document refers to the original version of Persona Insight, released December 2021 (V1.0.0.0)


The Persona Insights Library Pack is a turnkey solution allowing you to measure activity across a range of technical and sentiment based areas so that you can build an understanding of the behaviors of Employees as they go about their daily work.

The pack is slightly different to other Nexthink Library Packs in that it is essentially a framework of measurements that enables you solve a multitude of Business requirements. Therefore by importing and running the pack, you will discover your Persona-based activities of your Employees but in fact it is what you do with this information that will provide you with the real power and functionality that the pack brings.

Persona Insights Overview

The aim of understanding a Persona is to be able to identify which of the employees within your Organization are exhibiting a particular behavior – be it using a piece of software, having a particular level of motivation, accessing a specific domain, consuming a certain amount of resources, whatever it may be.

If the solution being used can measure this then it is possible to start defining people’s characteristics based on how many of these behaviors, they are exhibiting.

With Persona Insights, this idea is split into two concepts:

  • Persona Traits – these are the “building blocks” that measure an individual construct, such as the amount of time Microsoft Excel is being used during the working day. The key points on Persona Traits are that:

    • They are measured, between 0-10, so you can have a Persona Trait at any particular level, they are not binary – you might be a 4.6 MS Word user but an 8.7 CPU Consumer. This way for each employee you can see not only that they are exhibiting a trait, but how much they are exhibiting it.

    • Common Persona Traits are grouped together, so all the Real Time Collaboration Tools are grouped together into a parent value of “Collaboration Tools Consumer”. This is done so that both looking at an individual tool usage can be measured but also the overall behavior (which might be more than one collaboration tool) can also be understood.

  • Personas – Personas are made up from one or more Traits and are generally binary – you are or you are not. An example of a Persona might be “Ready to move to VDI”, i.e. users in this Persona can be transitioned onto a Virtual platform. Persona’s have a some key characteristics:

    • They can be defined at a Score level or at a Metric level. For more detail on which might be the best method to use, please see the associated Customization Guide for Persona Insights.

    • They should ideally be binary – i.e. you are or you are not. This is because Personas should drive a decision or recommendation. This is a soft rather than hard requirement, it is Nexthink’s recommendation.

    • They can be 1:1 or Many:1, i.e. a Persona might be made up of logic where a number of Traits define a particular Persona – again our example above of “Ready for VDI” might include the number of applications in use, plus low power consumption use, plus single monitor usage for example. However equally valid might be “Users needing 16 Core Systems” which would be a Persona based on the Persona Trait of CPU Intensity, i.e. how CPU power hungry the user is.

Nexthink separates these concepts – there is a score for the Persona Traits from Nexthink (and additionally a Score for the “Advanced” Traits, which come from Sentiment or Act based metrics). However, if you wish to build new Persona Traits or Personas you are recommended to use new Scores or Metrics. The Customization Guide gives more detail on this idea.

How do I make use of this Pack?

The Persona’s pack is very much tied to the specific needs of your Organization. It can be imported without customization on both the On Premise and Cloud versions of Nexthink and it will produce valid and useful data.

However, we strongly recommend working with Nexthink Professional Services to make the most of this pack, by understanding the Persona’s that exist within your Organization and customizing the pack according to both your Business needs and Organizational modelling.

Once the pack is collecting data, you will be able to realize and utilize the dataset it brings. Some of the use cases are more obvious, such as understanding if your users have the correct hardware or software based on their usage patterns, while some are much more in-depth and complex such as combining sentiment based metrics with activity based metrics to gain an insight into employees which may be becoming somewhat demotivated, or the success of a move from one Collaboration tool to another.

Additional optional library packs

Currently the Persona Insights Library Pack is complete in itself in that it visualizes all the current Traits the pack has defined and gives an example of demonstrating the Digital Experience Score of each Trait. Nexthink will release Library packs around specific Use Cases such as hardware renewal or adoption management following the initial Persona Insights pack.


The Persona’s pack requires Nexthink version 6.29 (on-premise) or 2020.5 (Cloud). Versions of Nexthink below this will not work.

The pack also utilizes the Digital Experience Score 2.x, so please download the latest version of DEX for your environment.

Before use please read the Configuration Guide.

Change log


Initial release.

Change log

Initial Release

Last updated

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